By EPCA Members: & Galitt Europe’s ATM networks are gradually changing with new ownership and operating models emerging in several countries. Despite the decline in cash usage, smaller, more efficient ATM networks are expected to be with us for many years to come.
Read MoreEPCA held their sixth monthly Forum in Madrid organised by our new Spanish member Nalba Consultancy. Twelve representatives attended from Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Italy, Latvia, and the UK. Spanish external expert guest speakers were Fernando Rodriguez from Bizum and Rafael Muley from Visa Consulting. Members presented on a wide range of topics which included: […]
Read MoreBy Peter Jones, PSE Consulting Across the world regulators are increasing the scope of consumer payments redress. The UK’s recent introduction of the concept of Consumer Duty of Care, if copied by other regulators, will substantially increase costs to banks and also add a further layer of bureaucracy.
Read MoreEmmanuel Caron, Galitt The PSR is unexpectedly more ambitious than many observers had predicted. The regulations include new legal instruments, how payment services will be delivered and how to offer open finance services other than payments (FIDA – Financial Data Access Regulations).
Read MoreBy Mikko Rieger, The adoption of digital receipts is accelerating across the EU and more particularly in several Baltic nations. The advantages of dematerialising paper are reviewed and the benefits quantified.
Read MoreThe twelve members of the EPCA met for their year 23 Forum in Riga, Latvia hosted by Vedicard – our Latvian member and organised by Mikko Rieger, Chairman. A very enjoyable session was held with presentations from those present. Emmanuel Caron was elected as Chairman for 2024 and the next Forum will be held in […]
Read MoreBy Peter Jones, Chairman PSE Consulting Who is sleeping well within EU acquiring banks and Fintech innovators? Who will be the winners and losers as a result of the increasingly dramatic shift of the EU payments acceptance margins to new entrants? It is difficult to speculate on the early morning top of mind concerns amongst […]
Read MoreBy Marco Fava, Managing Director, CleverAdvice In the last few years, digital onboarding has spread significantly throughout financial services and beyond due to features including ubiquitous access, lower variable costs to onboard every customer, and anytime availability. Service providers appreciate the ongoing benefits offered by these features as they more than offset the one-time costs […]
Read MoreMarco Fava, Managing Director, CleverAdvice On 15 November 2020 Nexi Payments, Italy’s leading payment services providers, and Nets, a leading provider of payments solutions operating in the Nordics and throughout central and eastern Europe, signed a binding framework agreement with the aim of merging the two groups through an all-share exchange. That’s just a few […]
Read MoreMarco Fava, CleverAdvice 2020 saw significant investments in the payments and fintech industries, a dynamic that has continued in the first quarter of 2021. However, the investment flow slowed to USD 105.3bn from USD 168bn of 2019 partly due to the lack of mega deals such as the FIS USD 42.5 bn acquisition of WorldPay […]
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